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Appleby's Double Gloucester- is a traditional, full fat, hard cheese with a smooth, buttery texture and a nutty taste. U/P COWS GloucestershireHard CowsBritish
Applewood Smoked Sliced- is a fairly dense semi-hard cheese. Applewood is not smoked, but is instead treated with an artificial smoke flavouring. COWS SOMERSETFlavoured CowsBritish
Barbers 1833- With a creamy texture and smooth finish, 1833 contains naturally- occurring crystals that give it a distinctive crunch. Refined sweet notes balance out its tangy sharpness. P COWS V SOMERSETHard CowsBritish
Barkham Blue- It has a rich blue taste, smooth buttery texture with a melt in the mouth flavour, without the harshness associated with some blue cheese. V, P COWSBlue Hard CowsBritish
Baron Bigod- Baron Bigod has a smooth, delicate silky texture and golden paste with long lasting warm earth, farmyard and mushroom flavours. BUNGAY SUFFOLK, U/P COWSSoft CowsBritish
Bassingfield Blue- A punchy and creamy yet distinctive orange-coloured blue cheese.Blue Hard CowsBritish
Bath- Gooey & mushroomy. It has a white bloomy rind and a soft paste, dates back to the time of Lord Nelson. It was also Gold Medal Winner at the British Cheese Awards 2010.Soft CowsBritish
Bath Blue- A creamy, smooth blue cheese. This celebrated cheese has won a Super Gold award at the 2014 World Cheese Awards. It has been judged as one of the world's 62 best cheeses. P COWSBlue Soft CowsBritish
Beauvale- The resulting cheese is sweet and creamy, with a buttery texture and a slight, salty tang to the finish. P COWSBlue Soft CowsBritish
Berkswell- is not dissimilar to a Spanish Manchego. Unpasturised ewes' milk is used while preparing this cheese with a traditional method. U/P EWESSoft EwesBritish
Black Bomber- marries a delicious rich flavour with a smooth creaminess, lasting long on the palate but remaining demandingly moreish. P/V COWSHard CowsBritish
Blagdon Blue- a creamy, cellar ripened cow's milk cheese. Streaked with blue veins but not over-powering on the palate P/V COWSBlue Soft CowsBritish
Bosworth Ash - A mould ripened cheese; it has a white, crumbly centre. This mature cheese has a mild, salty-sweet and goat flavour. The taste is reminiscent of vanilla and butterscotch, with a subtle but distinct, almost almond like finish. GOATS P/V STAFFORDSHIRESoft GoatsBritish
Caboc- is a Scottish cream cheese, made with double cream or cream-enriched milk. This rennet-free cheese is formed into a log shape and rolled in toasted pinhead oatmeal. V COWSSoft CowsBritish
Cashel Blue- Depending on the age, Cashel Blue texture varies from chalky to soft yellow paste and a characteristic bluish green mould. Young cheeses taste & smell chalky, lactic and mildly blue while the older ones are rich & buttery with a well-formed blue colour. IRELAND V/P COWSBlue Soft CowsBritish
Celtic Promise- The most highly-awarded British cheese, Celtic Promise, is a Caerphilly type washed-rind cheese with a slightly moist, pink rind. Soft and buttery as it matures it develops a slightly pungent aroma and has a delicate, mild flavour creating a delicious contrast with the rind.Soft CowsBritish
Cerney- An attractive pyramid shaped cheese coated with an ash and sea salt mix. Dense textured with a delicate citrus flavour. GOATS P/V COTSWOLDSSoft GoatsBritish
Cheddar Gorge- A unique, more complex cheddar flavour which is influenced additionally by the yeasts and moulds within the natural cave environment. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Chevington- A smooth, creamy, mould-ripened cheese with a sharp, clean bite leading to a gently stimulating richness. P/V COWS NORTHUMBLANDHard CowsBritish
Cheviot- A delicate mustiness on the nose leads to a rich buttery cheese with a refreshingly assertive flavour and a tongue-tingling saltiness on the palate. P/V COWS NORTHUMBLANDHard CowsBritish
College White- The cheese has the characteristic soft interior and white, bloomy rind. It develops a very strong flavour and had a layer of truffles running through the middle. P COWS SOFTSoft CowsBritish
Cooleeney Small- A camembert-like creamy, buttery soft cheese with wonderfully rich grassy, mushroomy flavours. After ripening for 8-10 weeks it has a soft bloomy rind and a primrose yellow paste that turns into an intensely yellow finger licking goo as it matures. U/P COWSSoft CowsBritish
Copy's Cloud- is a soft bloomy, brie style cheese made from cow's milk. With a fluffy white rind Copy's cloud has the appearance of a Brie but is milder in taste with a buttery melting centre. U/P COWS NORFOLKSoft CowsBritish
Cornish Blue- The characteristics of Cornish Blue are very different from traditional English blue cheeses. Its flavour is mild & creamy with a dense, moist, sticky texture and buttery richness. Voted Best Blue cheese at the 2006 British Cheese Awards and 2010 & 2014 World Cheese Awards. P V COWSBlue Soft CowsBritish
Crozier Blue- Crozier Blue is natural-rinded blue cheese .The taste is rich, creamy and mild with sweet blue flavour when mature. P V EWES IRELANDBlue Soft CowsBritish
Crumbly Lancashire- Unlike the other Lancashire varieties, this is made from a single day's milk and resembles other crumbly cheeses such as Cheshire and Wensleydale. It tends to be matured for only 6-8 weeks, resulting in a crumbly, fresh, high-acid cheese. P U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Devon Blue- Devon Blue is pale, creamy yellow in colour dotted with pockets of blue moulds and veins. The texture is dense and slightly crumbly. It emanates an earthy aroma along with a smooth, rich, complex and buttery taste. U/P V COWS DEVONBlue Hard CowsBritish
Dewlay Lancashire- A creamy typical Lancashire cheddar cheese. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Dorset Blue Vinny- This delightful, slightly crumbly blue cheese has a pleasantly soft taste. P/V COWS DORSETBlue Hard CowsBritish
Double Gloucester- The double variety has a smooth and buttery texture, rich and nutty yet mellow flavour and apricot colour. P U/P V COWSHard CowsBritish
Double Worchester- A firm, flaky texture and a straw yellow interior with a flavour of citrusy tang. The cheese won a silver medal at the British Cheese Awards in 2001. P V COWSHard CowsBritish
Ducketts Caerphilly- A young cheese with a creamy texture and pinkish rind, it melts beautifully. P V COWS WALESHard CowsBritish
Elsdon- Holds a pleasant tang and a refreshingly clean finish. An almost creamy flavour is created by Elsdon, described as rich yet light. P V COWS NORTHUMBLANDHard GoatsBritish
Garlic Yarg- A moist cheese with a fresh, clean taste. Naturally grown wild garlic leaves. P V COWS CORNWALLHard CowsBritish
Godminster- In its distinctive purple wax, Godminster Organic Cheddar is a powerful cheese with a real edge to it. P V O COWS SOMERSETHard CowsBritish
Godminster Pepper Brie- The crunchy texture and spicy taste of the peppercorns contrast wonderfully with the smoothness and creaminess of the cheese. P V O COWS SOMERSETFlavoured CowsBritish
Godminster Smoked- It has a smooth and creamy texture with a rich depth of flavoured which blends beautifully with the natural smokiness of the cheese. P V O COWS SOMERSETFlavoured CowsBritish
Gubbeen- A young Gubbeen reveals a real buttery milky taste with scents of meadow flowers and hazelnuts. As it matures, the bouncy and soft cheese develops notes of mushrooms, nuts and forest floor. P COWS IRELANDSoft CowsBritish
Hebridian Blue- It is often compared to Stilton with its strong, tangy nature, however we find more floral notes with a firmer texture. U/P COWSBlue Hard CowsBritish
Helford Sunrise- with crushed black peppercorns on the rind, and the addition of the vegetable dye expect a rich bold flavour and sticky texture. P V COWSSoft CowsBritish
Hereford Hop- Coated with toasted hops, Hereford Hop produces citrusy, buttery and sharp flavours together with slight bitterness of the hops. P U/P V COWS GloucestershireHard CowsBritish
Hertfordshire Halloumi- A springy, salty yet creamy cheese.Hard CowsBritish
Isle of Avalon- Isle of Avalon is made using traditional French washing methods to create a strong, smelly, creamy cheese with a vibrant orange exterior and a flavour reminiscent of smoked bacon. P COWSSoft CowsBritish
Isle of Mull- Pale ivory colour with a sharp, tangy thanks to the unusual diet of the cows that eat the fermented grain near the Tobermory Whisky distillery. U/P COWS SCOTLANDHard CowsBritish
Keens Cheddar- The resulting cheese is creamy, smooth and firm textured with long, earthy, rich, nutty flavours and a sharp sting at the end. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Keltic Gold- During maturation, the cheese is dipped in cider and washed three times a week that develops apple overtones and a distinctive edible orange rind. Keltic Gold has won many awards, including gold medals at the Great Taste Awards in 2011, 2013, 2014, Speciality Cheese Nantwich International Cheese Show 2011, Super Gold at World Cheese Awards 2012 & 2014. P COWS CORNWALLHard CowsBritish
Kielder- The cheese has a pale yellow paste with a smooth, moist texture and mild flavour. P V COWS NORTHUMBLANDHard CowsBritish
Kit Calvert Wensleydale- Kit Calvert Wensleydale is a handcrafted buttery, textured Dales cheese made with natural rennet. P V COWS YORKSHIREHard CowsBritish
Lancashire SmokedHard CowsBritish
Lincolnshire Poacher- It has a smooth texture and a strong taste. In summer, notes of pineapple, toasted nuts and grassy dominate the flavour profile while in winter the taste becomes savoury and almost meaty. U/P COWS LINCOLNSHIREHard CowsBritish
Lincolnshire Red- Lincolnshire Red has a moist creamy texture with a delicate buttery flavour and a clean finish that lingers on your palate. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Lord of the Hundreds- The texture is dry and a bit grainy with flavour of roasted hazelnuts and salty caramel, along with fresh grassy notes. U/P V EWES EAST SUSSEXHard EwesBritish
Mayfield- is a fantastic golden, semi-hard cheese from the makers of the Lord London. With a soft & fruity flavour. P V COWS SUSSEXHard CowsBritish
Montery Jack- it's mild in flavour and melts really well. It's akin in taste and texture to Colby and Cheddar. P COWS USA/MEXICOHard CowsBritish
Montgomery- Montgomery's Mature Cheddar reveals deep, rich, nutty flavours while the extra mature variety brings a nuttier, spicier and peppery flavour to the palate. U/P COWS SOMERSETHard CowsBritish
Milleens- a firm, creamy texture and herbal, mushroom and floral taste intensified by the farmyard aromas. P COWS IRELANDHard CowsBritish
Miss Muffet- It has a nice creamy flavour and smooth supple texture. It has won numerous awards including a Three Star Gold at Great Taste Awards 2011 and The Best Modern Cheese award at the Nantwich International Cheese Show 2013. P V COWS CORNWALLHard CowsBritish
Mrs Bells Blue - It is streaked with emphatic green-blue veins. The texture of Mrs Bell's Blue is soft and creamy with a sweet flavour, along with a mild tang from the blueing. P V EWES YORKSHIREBlue Soft CowsBritish
Mrs Kirkhams Lancashire- Gives a buttery, yoghurt flavour with a fluffy and light texture that melts in the mouth. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Muldoons Picnic- A fresh acidity and broad curdy creaminess to the palate, giving a pleasing aftertaste and character. P COWSHard CowsBritish
Nettle Yarg- A fresh, lemony cheese. It is creamy under its natural rind and slightly crumbly in the core. As the cheese matures, the edible nettle rind imparts a delicate, mushroom taste and develops its unique bloomy white appearance. U/P V COWSHard CowsBritish
Norfolk Mardler- A waxed, eight week matured goat cheese which is deliciously creamy. P V GOATSHard GoatsBritish
Ogleshield- This cross between the Montgomery's Cheddar and a Tomme is excellent when it comes to cooking as it melts brilliantly. This celebrated cheese has won silver award at the 2014 World Cheese Awards. U/P COWS SOMERSETHard CowsBritish
Old Winchester- It is a much dryer and harder cheese with a characteristic nutty flavour. P V COWS LANDFORDHard CowsBritish
Olde Sussex- A gem of a Cheddar-style cheese, with a real depth of flavour and a savoury finish. U/P V COWSHard CowsBritish
Oxford Isis- is made by using a fresh cheese as the base product which is then sprayed and ripened with Oxfordshire Honey Mead. Over a period of time the cheese alters in character and matures on to a creamy consistency and develops a pronounced flavour and flowery aroma.Soft CowsBritish
Porter- is a glorious combination of vintage cheddar and Irish Guinness. Looks amazing and has a sweet edge of caramel and mild creamy taste. P COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Quickes Mature 12mth- A complex creamy cheddar that offers outstanding depth of flavour. Exquisitely distinctive taste which develops as it reaches the back of the palate. P COWSHard CowsBritish
Quickes Smoked- A sensuously smoky taste followed by sublime creaminess. Gently smoked using oak trees felled from the Quickes estate, to impart a subtle yet delicious flavour. P COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Rachels- "Rachel was named after a friend of mine - like the cheese she is sweet, curvy and slightly nutty". V GOATS SOMERSET U/PHard GoatsBritish
Red Devil- A judicious hit of chilli is the perfect foil for the rich savouriness of Red Leicester in this popular member of our range. P/V COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Rosary Log- Rosary is a fresh, creamy goats cheese with a mousse-like texture and a natural acidity. Recent winner of the Supreme Champion Award at the British Cheese Awards 2014. P V GOATSSoft GoatsBritish
Ribbledsale- Another award winning cheese from Ribblesdale Cheese Company in Yorkshire, their wax coated Superior Goat is a fantastic cheese. Strikingly white, smooth texture and a subtle nuttiness associated with good goat cheese.Soft GoatsBritish
Sage Derby- Sage Derby is a variety of British Derby cheese infused with sage to produce a glorious green marbling effect and subtle herb flavour. Hard to find these days, it is England's oldest and most famous cheeses originally made only for special occasions such as Harvest and Christmas. V P COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Scrumpy Sussex- Scrumpy Sussex is made with raw British Friesian cows' milk and mixed with herbs, cider and garlic. It is a rindless hard cheese which has been matured for three months and has an open and bouncy texture. COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Shorrock Smoked Bombs- This smoky flavoured cheese is great to enjoy anytime, anywhere. Flavoursome and great with a glass of wine. P/V COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Shorrocks Bombs- Classic, famous, Lancashire Bomb, wonderful creamy cheese presented in traditional black wax. It can be enjoyed on its own or is superb with some fruit and/or a good red wine. P/V COWSHard CowsBritish
Shropshire Blue- It is a semi-firm blue cheese described as a cross between Stilton and Cheshire with a sharp, strong flavour and a bit tangy aroma. This celebrated cheese has won many medals including silver at the 2014 World Cheese Awards. P V COWS LeicestershireBlue Hard CowsBritish
Single Gloucester- Single Gloucester has a P.D.O designation, meaning it can be produced only in Gloucestershire. It is matured for a less amount of time and thus develops a fresh, somewhat nutty taste but slightly more acidic than Double. Also, it is lighter in texture, crumbly and low on fat. P U/P V COWSHard CowsBritish
Suffolk Gold- A creamy semi-hard farmhouse cheese, delicious flavour with a rich golden colour. P COWSHard CowsBritish
Stilton Cropwell Bishop- Blue Stilton is a smooth, mellow, blue cheese with a natural coat and blue veining. Won Great Taste Award 2017 V COWSBlue Hard CowsBritish
Sparkenhoe Red Leicester- A traditional Red Leicester cheese. A true revival of a fabulous cheese, nutty, sweet with a citrus finish. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Stichelton- Hand-ladled and made to a traditional Stilton recipe but with unpasteurised milk to make an outstanding blue cheese. Stichelton is creamy and nutty with a rich yet gentle blue note. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Stilton Colston Basset- An intensely rich and creamy Stilton cheese, with a deep, lingering, complex flavour. P V COWSBlue Hard CowsBritish
Stilton Crumb- See Colston BassetBlue Hard CowsBritish
Stinking Bishop- This cheese is not run-of-the-mill. There's no doubt that Charles Martell has created a cheese of great distinction, smelly for sure, think Pont L'Eveque or Epoisses, but with a delightful taste -
sweetish and, despite what the smell might suggest, actually not overwhelmingly strong. P V COWS
Soft CowsBritish
Swaledale Baby Goat- White in colour with a soft moist open texture. Smooth and tangy with a much milder flavour to its goat peers. V GOATSHard GoatsBritish
The Duke- this Regal cheese is an exquisite cultured blue with complex flavours which develops a soft blue natural rind and a golden interior with dashes of royal blue. 'The Duke' is creamy, sweet and salty with a delicious peppery finish. Won Super Gold at the World Cheese Awards in 2015. COWSBlue Hard CowsBritish
Ticklemore- Ticklemore goat cheese is light and delicate with small holes. The taste is mild, fresh, sweet ... it's a subtle goat cheese. P V GOATSHard GoatsBritish
Tunworth- Tunworth is a camembert-style cheese in a class of its own. It has a creamy texture and a thin wrinkled rind with rich, sweet, nutty, vegetal and milky flavours. The overall flavour effect is long lasting, mouth-filling and harmonious. P COWSSoft CowsBritish
Vintage Red Fox- A Red Leicester style cheese with a crunch, Red Fox has a smooth, mellow flavour and a flaky, open texture. P COWSHard CowsBritish
Waterloo- Waterloo cheese is made using washed curd method, which tempers the acidity and contributes to a soft, gentle, buttery flavour. The interiors have a creamy rich pate, slightly firm and flaky centre. U/P V COWSSoft CowsBritish
Wensleydale Reserve- Wensleydale is an historic fresh, mild cheese that has been made in Wensleydale, North Yorkshire since 1150 by Cistercian monks. Creamy-white in colour has a supple, crumbly, moist and flaky texture. The flavour is mild, clean, and slightly sweet with hints of wild honey savour and fresh acidity. As it ages the cheese develops a fuller, deeper flavour as well becomes firmer. P U/P COWS EWESHard CowsBritish
Westcombe Cheddar- Westcombe Cheddar has a deep complex flavour with a mellow lactic tang and long notes of citrus, hazelnut and caramel. The texture is structured and firm, with a smooth breakdown that keeps the flavours lingering on your palate. U/P COWSHard CowsBritish
Wigmore- A creamy and crumbly cheese with a bloomy natural rind. It is an artisan cheese, which takes 8 weeks to fully ripen. It has a mild, fruity and sweet flavour and a bit yeasty aroma depending on seasons. U/P V EWESSoft EwesBritish
Winterdale- A nutty and flavoursome cheddar with a pleasant texture.Hard CowsBritish
Wookey Hole- This award-winning authentic handmade cheese is crumbly with earthy undertones and a distinctly nutty, tangy flavour. P V COWS SOMERSETHard CowsBritish
Y Fenni- The mustard seeds not only give it a unique texture but also an amazing buttery and spicy flavour. Along with the subtle sharpness of mustard seeds, the flavour is also reminiscent of the mild, sharp taste of the Welsh ale and traditional cheddar. V P COWSFlavoured CowsBritish
Yorkshire Blue- Upon ripening, the cheese is buttery, sweet and mild in flavour. Extended ageing will give the Yorkshire Blue a more pronounced flavour, but it will always remain mild & creamy. This moist and spreadable cheese can be crumbled or melted into soups, sauces and baking dishes. V P COWSBlue Soft CowsBritish
Soa Miguel- A semi hard, yellowish cheese. It is quite versatile and makes a great accompaniment to sauces. U/P COWSHard CowsAzores
Bruges Prestige- Punchy, orange colouringHard CowsBelgian
Grevenbroecker- Unusual and mysterious cheese, very different to usual blue cheese in how it's made.Hard CowsBelgian
Abondance- It has a strong smell and an intensely fruity, buttery and hazelnut flavour, with balance of acidity and sweetness, followed by a lingering aftertaste. Unearth an aroma of nutty vegetation as you slice the cheese. U/P COWSHard CowsFrench
Aged Comte Badoz- Considered one of the finest cheeses in the world, a wedge of Comte reveals a pale yellow interior and a texture that can vary from silky, flabby to crystalline. The main aromatic flavours that delicately linger on the palate are a balance of brown-butter and roasted-nut aromas and a sweet finish. U/P COWSHard CowsFrench
Beaufort- This remarkable cheese was already known in the time of the Romans. The cheese is made from the milk given by the mahogany-coloured Beaufort cows, called the Tarines. U/P COWSHard CowsFrench
Bleu d'Auvergne- Bleu d'Auvergne is creamy ivory colour, dotted with blue-green mould due to the Penicillium roqueforti which gives the cheese its typical bluish-green veins. It is aged for minimum 4 weeks, by which time the cheese showcases its assertive flavours and smooth texture. U/P COWSBlue Hard CowsFrench
Bleu de Causse- A close cousin to Roquefort, it is produced in the Languedoc region of southern France. A blend of rich milkiness amidst the peppery and spicy notes of the blue mould. The summer produce bring out their unique grassy and clover flavours. U/P COWSBlue Soft CowsFrench
Brie Donge- Nine times Winner of the coveted Medaille D'Or. Full-flavoured, with a Camembert-like fruitiness. It has fruity and vegetable undertones, with a smooth velvety texture. A complex, rich cheese. U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Brillat Savarin Truffes- is named after the French gastronome Jean Anthelme. Additional cream is added during the cheese making process creating a rich and a supple cheese with a velvety texture. Brillat-Savarin is infused with the highest quality truffles to enhance even more the decadence of this superb cheese. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Camebert la Fin Normand- Though made throughout the world, authentic Camembert is from Normandy, an area of northwest France where cows graze on rich soil scattered with apple trees. Some people claim to be able to taste a hint of apple in Camembert, but overall the cheese is more earthy and nutty. Though often compared to Brie, Camembert is much more robust and complex. COWSSoft CowsFrench
Camebert Rustique- Its creamy texture and rich, oniony taste, is a treat for all lovers of strong-flavoured cheese. COWSSoft CowsFrench
Chaumes- The smooth, supple and rather springy texture is complemented by the rich, intense and full bodied flavour of the cheese. Its taste can be described as complex, leaving behind a smooth and hazel-nutty aftertaste. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Chaource Rouzaire- This cylindrical shaped cheese has a soft-ripened, creamy and a little bit crumbly, non-elastic texture. Surrounded by a white velvety rind, its ageing process lasts between 2 weeks to 2 months. COWSSoft CowsFrench
Chevre des Cremier- A mild, milky, buttery cheese, smooth and creamy with a nice saltiness, with hints of hay, mushrooms and mustiness and just the slightest hint of goat bite and a slightly sour finish. GOATSSoft GoatsFrench
Comte St Antoine- This hard mountain cheese is matured to perfection in the silence and darkness of special caves where the cheese gets its unique taste, texture and colour. Considered one of the finest cheeses in the world, a wedge of Comte reveals a pale yellow interior and a texture that can vary from silky, flabby to crystalline. This celebrated cheese has been judged as one of the world's 62 best cheeses. U/P COWSHard CowsFrench
Delice de Bourgogne- A decadent triple-cream cheese. Rich and full-flavoured with a smooth, velvety, melt-in-the-mouth texture. Don't let the pungent aroma fool you - this is a subtle cheese with body and depth. U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Epoisse- has creamy, chewy and firm texture. With a distinctive soft red-orange colour, it is categorised as a smear-ripened cheese washed in marc de Bourgogne. It takes at least 6 weeks to mature fully. Despite its pungent smell, the cheese has a spicy, sweet and salty flavour. U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Fougerus Fermier- It is a handmade cheese with a soft, creamy texture and a white bloomy rind. The cheese is dried for a few days before it's transferred to maturating rooms where it's left for a period of 4 weeks to ripen fully. It had a salty flavour, it aromatizes the kitchen with woody and earthy smell of fern. U/P V COWSSoft CowsFrench
Fourme d'Ambert- Is one of France's oldest cheeses, dating back to the Roman occupation nearly 1,000 years ago. The pate is cream coloured with prominent blue veining. The cheese is inoculated with Penicillium roqueforti spores for the growth of blue veins. Slightly tangy, savoury flavour infused by the bacteria, beautiful complements the distinct notes of butter and cream. U/P COWSBlue Hard CowsFrench
Livarot- Livarot is considered to be one of the finest cheeses by aficionados who love its soft, golden paste with little holes and springy texture. The taste is nutty, melting in the mouth, to release flavours of a salty lemon and spiciness. The texture is creamy, smooth and quite runny at room temperature. P U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Montgranit- Traditionally matured on straw in vaulted cellars, the creamy-texture keeps an inimitable tang of its soil. The rind, pinkish when young turns grey, and as it ripens further, goes on to obtain a rich golden paste. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Morbier- The cheese has an ivory colour, and it is a bit soft and fairly elastic. It gets immediately identified because of its black layer of tasteless ash, which separates horizontally in the middle. A creamy flavour with small eyes or holes. Sometimes, the cheese leaves a slightly bitter aftertaste and has strong aroma as well. U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Napoleon- The name is derived from the mountain facing the farm, as the top of the mountain has an uncanny resemblance to Napoleon's profile. Only a small amount of cheese is made and matured by Dominique Bouchait, who gives them a certain style that is quite unique. In the style of other Pyrenees ewe's milk tommes but with a softer texture and a lovely nutty tang. EWESHard EwesFrench
Neufchatel- Granted AOC status in 1969, Neufchatel can be industrial, farmstead or artisanal. Artisanal Neufchatel has a grainy, close textured and thick paste covered with a soft, downy, velvety bloomy rind. Matured for 8-10 weeks, the taste and texture is reminiscent of a Camembert; mushroom, rich, nutty and slightly yeasty. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Normanville- It is creamy, tasty, and with an amazing melt-in-the- mouth texture, perfectly contained in a white, velvety rind. COWSSoft CowsFrench
Pont l'Eveque- A soft and very rich cheese with creamy and full-bodied flavour, tastes best when eaten at room temperature. It is an excellent dessert cheese, which goes well with a robust wine. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Reblochon- Reblochon features a fine velvety rind, varying from yellow to orange in colour. The close textured pate is very smooth, supple and ivory in colour. Farmhouse cheese discs are matured for at least two weeks, during which the cheese develops an edible light beige crust and buttery dough. Reblochon has a slight scent of the cellar and a mild fruity taste with an intense nutty aftertaste. U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Rochebaron- Coated with an edible ash rind, the rich & creamy Rochebaron has a characteristic blue flavour while being not very strong or aggressive. The cheese tastes best with crusty bread and fresh fruit. COWSBlue Hard CowsFrench
Roquefort Papillon Noire- This exceptional Roquefort Papillon is characterised initially by its white paste and the generous streaks of intense blue in its broad and numerous cavities. In the mouth, its rich and flexible texture develops a delicious fondant accompanied by a typical balanced and long-lasting taste. U/P EWESSoft EwesFrench
Roquefort Vieux Berger- The cheese is ripened in the natural damp and airy caves found under the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Vieux Berger is one of smallest of seven producers of this style of cheese. Their version of this cheese is remarkably creamy and piquant. U/P EWESSoft EwesFrench
St Nectaire- Once cut, the Saint-Nectaire has a soft, fluid and smelly paste, of a creamy colour. Its taste has a hint of hazelnut, due to the aromatic flora where the cheese ages. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Truffled Brie- Brie de Meaux with a sandwich filling of creme fraiche, mascarpone, and chopped black truffles. This is a rich and decadent combination and should be eaten freshly made. The truffles bring out the earthy, mushroom-like qualities of the brie, while the brie rounds the flavour of the truffle into a massively aromatic depth. U/P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Vacherousse Argental- Vacherousse d'Argental is a pure cow's milk brie-style cheese made in the Lyon region of France. Its bloomy white rind is edged in orange and when perfectly ripe will sink slightly around the perimeter. The flavour is milk with hints of meadow and the rind is not at all bitter. The texture is creamy and velvety at its peak ripeness like most brie-style cheese. P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Vignotte- A powdery white bloomy skin and an intensely creamy, light, rich, buttery texture. It has a slightly lemony taste V P COWSSoft CowsFrench
Al Romero- Mild in flavour, coated in fragrant rosemary leaves; the combination of these two flavours makes a great cheese U/P EWESHard EwesSpanish
Cabrales- The cheese is a mixture of raw cows, goats and sheep's milk aged for between two and four months in natural formed limestone caves. Chilly and humid conditions in the caves facilitate the growth of bluish-green Penicillium mould on this highly prized cheese. Unlike other blue cheeses injected with Penicillium, Cabrales cures from the outside of the cheese to the inward. A finished Cabrales can be characterized by its strong, penetrating aroma and sharp, acidic, slightly salty taste. U/P COWS EWES GOATSSoft Goats, Hard Ewes, Hard CowsSpanish
Don Mariano- Elaborated in Fregenal de la Sierra (Extremadura) with "Retinta" and "Serrana" whole raw goat's milk. Natural orange and oiled rind. Typical and deep aroma. Intense white cut with small eyes. Soft and unctuous texture. Very creamy. GOATSSoft GoatsSpanish
Ermesenda- Almost Swiss in style, this medium hard cheese, with little air pockets has a slightly elastic texture that coats the mouth. Sweet initial flavour with fruity and yoghurt undertones and an aftertaste of raw hazelnuts and almonds. U/P COWSHard CowsSpanish
Garrotxa- A soft paste and a moist, creamy, yet almost flaky, texture. It is covered by a velvety grey mould coating that lends it a woody aroma, although it is best not eaten with the cheese. The flavour is reminiscent of damp earth underlined by slightly nutty & herbal essences. Its milky, delicate taste is not at all typical of a goat's cheese. U/P GOATSHard EwesSpanish
Grazelema- The cheese is named after the village in which it is produced, Grazelema. It's a semi-hard cheese, cured in a coating of pork lard and wheat germ, giving it a glorious strong flavour, and a slight blue cheese after-taste. It has an intense savoury flavour with hints of caramel, almonds and subtle spiciness. P EWESHard EwesSpanish
Idiazabal- The cheese has a compact texture, with a few pinprick holes. It is dry, but not crumbly, and feels pleasantly oily in the mouth. The rind carries the marks of the wooden moulds in which it was drained. The characteristic, smoky flavour is the result of the cheeses having been stored near the fireplaces. U/P EWESHard EwesSpanish
La Peral- When young, La Peral is firm, moist with a somewhat granular texture. With age, the paste becomes soft and slightly weepy as it loses its moisture. Flavours are wonderfully delicate in its initial days of ripening but as the days advance it acquires a full, slightly spicy personality. P COWSBlue Soft CowsSpanish
La Rozay- 100% handmade cheese, matured and made from goat's milk, keeps inside pale yellow small cracks and cavities, giving way to an intense and strong flavour. GOATSSoft GoatsSpanish
Mahon- Mahon, named after the port of Mahon on the Minorca Island, is a cow's milk cheese, produced by various dairies. Mahon is soft to hard cheese with buttery, sharp, salty in taste. During maturation the cheese is hand rubbed with butter / paprika or oil. U/P V COWSHard CowsSpanish
Manchego 12- The traditional use of grass moulds leaves a distinctive, characteristic zigzag pattern on the Manchego cheese. Manchego cheese aged for a year becomes crumbly in texture while the interior of the cheese acquires a butterscotch colour. It has a sweet, lingering taste. U/P EWESHard EwesSpanish
Manchego 6- The traditional use of grass moulds leaves a distinctive, characteristic zigzag pattern on the Manchego cheese. Manchego cheese aged for 6 months acquires a caramel and nutty flavour. It has distinct acidity. U/P EWESHard EwesSpanish
Monte Enebro - It is one of the most reputed, new-age cheeses from Spain. This semi-soft cheese is white, somewhat chalky and brittle when young, but with age it tends to break down and become runny and nearly translucent under the rind. Same is for the flavours, which are creamy, lemony and slightly acidic when young but intensify and become more pungent with age. U/P GOATSSoft GoatsSpanish
Murcia al Vino- The pate is semi-soft with small eyes, ivory white, slightly acidic and creamy to taste. On the outside, the rind appears purple, characteristic of red wine baths during maturation. As with other Spanish cheeses, is eaten with beer or wine or as a part of meal with fruits & nuts. P GOATSSoft GoatsSpanish
Payoyo Paprika- This delicious Cadiz cheese was proclaimed a winner as the best cheese in the world. Cheese firm, crisp texture and no elasticity. Herbaceous aroma background goat with hints of smoked paprika high persistence EWESHard EwesSpanish
Picos Blue- A strong, spicy blue, characterful cheese with a smooth rich flavour and creamy texture, hand wrapped in maple leaves. Artisan made in small batches in the mountains of "PICOS DE EUROPA". Made with mixed cow, goat and ewe milk and cured in abandoned mines and caves, this cheese has a buttery, slightly salty blue bite. U/P COWSBlue Soft CowsSpanish
San Simon- It has a typical aroma and flavour, with a smoky note from using birch wood. The cheese texture is fine, fatty, semi-hard, semi-elastic and dense; it has a creamy yellow colour and cuts smoothly. P COWSHard CowsSpanish
Tetilla- This cheese has a pale yellow, thin, natural rind or sometimes no rind can be seen at all. Its texture is soft, thick and smooth with scatterings of air pockets. Yellowish ivory in colour Tetilla has a creamy mouth feel with buttery, slightly bitter and tangy flavours surrounding the palate. U/P P COWSHard CowsSpanish
Torta de Barros- A tangy, creamy, complex cheese, made with pasteurised sheep's milk and a thistle rennet. Very similar in style to Torta de Casar, hailing from Extremadura. It is slightly sour with a flood of herb flavours and an elegant bitter aftertaste from its Cardoon thistle rennet. Creamy, melting texture that coats the palate. Aromas of wool and pasture. Initial richness balanced by slightly bitter herbaceous notes. U/P V EWESSoft EwesSpanish
Treviso- A delicate and fruity flavour similar to a strong fruity Italian red wine. Each wheel is characterised by a thin burgundy rind and a slightly tangy, ivory coloured paste. U/P COWSBlue Soft CowsSpanish
Viejo Maestro Anejo- has a straw-coloured rind with bloomy white mottling, and a gamey, lightly floral aroma. The paste, bone white, is semi-firm and creamy, lightly eyed, relaxing slightly onto the plate as it warms. In flavour it is fresh, milky and sweet but with notes of grass and herbs and a distinctly goat, gamey finish. Despite being thistle-rennet, there is only a subtle bitterness and sour notes. U/P EWESHard EwesSpanish
Apres Soleil- A fairly rich Swiss cow's milk with a rounded fruity character. The cave where it is aged is warmed by the sun at times during its maturation which helps to bring out the rounded fruity notes. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Appenzeller- A fruity and tangy Alpine cheese with a firm, smooth texture. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Cave Aged Emmentaler- During this maturation process, white crystals and drops of water are formed from the cheese, known as "tears of joy". These "tears of joy" are a sign of quality in the cheese. The cave maturation results in a tangy nutty flavour and crumbly texture, typical of the fine Swiss classic from the caves. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Cave Aged Gruyere- This is a robust and deeply full flavoured cheese with evenly-balanced undertones of fruit and nuts and lingering after-taste without bitterness. It has a crumbly body with an occasional crystallization. It has won many international awards including bronze and gold at the 2014 World Cheese Awards. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Cirone- Made in Switzerland by a cooperative formed by 3 brothers who each have their own farm and pool their milk together to make a variety of cheeses. This is an unusual cheese that is matured for 20 months in caves in the Alps. It has a semi-crumbly texture and the taste is a perfect balance of sweet, sour and salty. Pairs really well with IPA and whiskey. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Fruit Roll- A very creamy, almost yoghurt texture that is flavoured with different fruits and rolled in peppercorns.Soft CowsSwiss
Gruyere Alpage- Slightly grainy, the cheese has a wonderful complexity of flavours - at first fruity, later becomes more earthy and nutty. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Kaltbach Creamy- A deliciously creamy cheese. Almost like a posh dairylea.Hard CowsSwiss
La Bouse- This is a soft, creamy cheese. This is cheese has a frash, creamy taste with a white mold cover. This is a summer type cheese with fresh grass affects grazed by cows. P COWSSoft CowsSwiss
Le Belle- A semi-hard blue. Sharp, tangy and crunchy. U/P COWSBlue Hard CowsSwiss
Mont d'or- Vacherin is made from pasteurised cow's milk, which offers full-flavoured and slightly acidic taste. Cheese becomes almost liquid after maturation. It has a greyish-yellow blanched rind which has to be removed before eating it. This rare and luxury cheese is eaten like a Fondue. Vacherin is produced only during 15th August to 31st March. P COWSSoft CowsSwiss
Murgu- An artisan stacked curd blue cheese with a marbled effect that has a distinctive flavour.Blue Hard CowsSwiss
Princess Alicia- a hard, alpine cheese with a straw- coloured pate. Crunchy, nutty, sweet.Swiss
Raclette- The cheese has got a thin, brownish-orange coloured rind and a pale yellow pate with a few and scattered open holes. It is has a very distinctive pleasant, aromatic smell with a creamy texture, similar to Gruyere cheeses, which does not separate even when melted. The flavour can vary from nutty, slightly acidic to milky. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Schneeflockle- Translated to 'Snowflake'. Creamy, white bloom, brie style. Gooey when ripe. U/P COWSSoft CowsSwiss
TetE de Moine- Tete de Moine cheese is being made since eight centuries. It is believed that the monks staying at Moutier the mountainous zone of the Bernese Jura in Canton of Bern manufactured this cheese. And hence the cheese takes the name 'Tete de Moine' meaning 'Monk's Head'. The cheese is made from cow's milk and half-cooked or half-hard pressed paste. The cheese develops its scented flavours effectively only when it is scrapped. COWSHard CowsSwiss
Tom's Aplchase- A wonderful Apline Cheese with a nutty and creamy taste.Hard CowsSwiss
Vacherin Fribourgeois- The milk for the cheese is sourced from Fribourgeois breed of cows that graze on the Alpine grass and wild flowers all the way through the late spring and summer. This traditional cheese making process ensures that Vacherin Fribourgeois has a pleasant nutty flavour underpinned by notes of fresh hay and milk. Vacherin has an unpalatable natural and brushed washed rind with a stinky aroma, but it does not overpower the lovely smell of the cheese. The interior of the cheese is straw coloured with an open and buttery texture. U/P COWSHard CowsSwiss
Amanteigado- The cheese has a moist, tongue coating and slightly grainy interior. The cheese itself tastes strongly of sheep. Bright and hugely lanolin-y, it has the funky flavour of salami. U/P V EWESSoft EwesPortuguese
AzeItao Quinta- Its distinctive flavour and taste is slightly spicy, a mix of sour and salty. It is a cured buttery and semi-soft cheese, white or slightly yellowish, obtained by slow draining the curd after coagulation of ewe's raw milk, in glazed clay pots, by an infusion of thistle. U/P V EWESSoft EwesPortuguese
Saloio Gourmet Cabra Pimenta- Saloio was the most awarded company of the fourth edition of the contest "Best Cheese 2012" promoted by the National Association of Dairy Industry (ANIL). With a total of 5 prizes awarded in 5 different categories. U/P V GOATSSoft GoatsPortuguese
Aged Gouda- With aging, Gouda develops calcium lactate crystals formed by the lactic acid in the cheese. It proffers an enjoyable crunch that is unique to waxed cheeses. The longer a cheese is kept in maturation cellars, the more aromatic and full-flavoured it becomes. P COWSHard CowsDutch
Leyden- It is a firm, yellow cumin spiced cheese made in the Netherlands. It is produced both in factories and traditionally on farms in this historic area of Leiden. The addition of cumin seeds gives the cheese a distinctive dry, tangy and spicy flavour, very unlike of other Dutch cheeses. Cloves and Caraway seeds are also added occasionally for that extra boost. U/P COWSHard CowsDutch
Parrano Robusto- Parrano is a pasteurised cow's milk Dutch cheese inspired by Italian cheese styles. It has the smooth creamy texture of a young Dutch Gouda and the nutty, sweet, buttery flavours of aged Parmesan. P COWSHard CowsDutch
Feta- On the whole, Feta is a pickled curd cheese that has a salty and tangy taste enhanced by the brine solution. The texture depends on the age which can be extremely creamy, or crumbly dry. P EWES GOATS GREEKSoft Goats, Soft EwesOther
Gjetost- Dark brown or honey-brown or golden orange in colour, the cheese is non-perishable, dessert cheese sold in blocks. It has sweet and caramel-like taste and comes with an unusual, aromatic quality. It is so popular in Norway that it is also called as Norway's national cheese. P GOATS COWS NORWEGIANSoft Goats, Hard CowsOther
Montagnolo- Aged at low temperature, and cold-maturation process, it slowly develops aromatic, consistent and spicy flavour. The creamy paste with blue veins has a distinctive, sweet aroma. This rich, buttery and little piquant cheese has won the Supreme Champion award at the 2013 International Cheese Awards. P COWS GERMANYBlue Soft CowsOther
Paneer- Paneer is the most common type of cheese used in traditional Indian and Pakistani cuisines. P/V COWSHard CowsOther
Blu 61- Blu '61 is an Italian soft blue cheese prepared with pasteurized cow's milk. The cheese was created in 2011, as a 50th anniversary gift to company owner Antonio and his wife Giuseppina. It is aged over three months during which the wheels are matured in local Raboso Passito IGT wine and cranberries. With a soft and creamy paste, and a thin red rind layered with berries on top, Blu '61 has a very striking, distinctive appearance. P COWS ITALYBlue Soft CowsItalian
Bocconcini Balls- Bocconcini, meaning "little bites" in Italian, are egg sized Mozzarella cheeses that originated in Naples and were once made only from the milk of water buffaloes. These bite-sized cheeses have a refreshingly delicate and creamy aroma. Because of its elastic texture and consistency, Italians like to savour them. P COWS/ WATER BUFFALO ITALYSoft CowsItalian
Burrata- Burrata is a fresh Italian buffalo milk cheese made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella, while the inside contains stracciatella and cream, giving it an unusual, soft texture.Soft CowsItalian
Dolcelatte- Dolcelatte literally translated name means "sweet milk". The maturation involves about two to three months with sweet and a bit milder taste. COWSSoft CowsItalian
Formaggio Bastardo- is a traditional cheese produced in the foothills of Monte Grappa massif and in the provinces of Treviso, Belluno, and Vicenza. The cheese said "bastard" is of a yellow pale to a light straw colour, which can also vary according to its seasoning. P COWSHard CowsItalian
Gorgonzola Dolce- Meaning "sweet" in Italian, Gorgonzola "Dolce" DOP is a soft, blue, buttery cheese made with uncooked cow's whole milk. Flavours are not very assertive but sweet, mild with notes of sour cream and lactic tang. P COWSBlue Soft CowsItalian
Gorgonzola Piccante- Gorgonzola "Piccante" DOP is a soft, sharp, aged blue cheese made with full fat, pasteurised, cow's milk. The cheese took its name from a small town in Lombardy near Milan, where it said to have been born in the 12th century. P COWSBlue Hard CowsItalian
Mascarpone- is made by curdling milk cream with citric acid or acetic acid. It is a thick, double or triple cream, soft cheese. Mascarpone is used in both sweet and savoury dishes. It is added to enhance the flavour of the dish without overwhelming the original taste. P COWSSoft CowsItalian
Mozzarella Mozzarella cheese is a sliceable curd cheese originating in Italy, with a fresh, milky taste. P U/P COWSSoft CowsItalian
Mozzarella Smoked- Similar to the original Mozzarella but with a smoky taste.Soft CowsItalian
Parmesan 24 Month-The Parmigiano Reggiano is considered to be among the top cheeses by cheese connoisseurs. True Parmesan cheese has a hard, gritty texture and is fruity and nutty in taste. U/P COWSHard CowsItalian
Piave DOP Vecchio- Piave is an Italian cow's milk cheese named after a river by the same name. It is DOP protected and the only authentic Piave is produced in the Dolomites area of Belluno province of Veneto. Also called, Parmesan's Cousin due to apparent similarities in flavour, Piave is a hard, cooked curd cheese sold at five different maturation periods. P COWSHard CowsItalian
Plaited Mozzarella- SEE MOZZARELLASoft CowsItalian
Provolone Auricchio- Provolone is an Italian cheese made from cow's milk whose origins lie in Southern Italy. Provolone Dolce, which is aged for 2-3 months, has a pale yellow to white colour and sweet taste. The other, Provolone Piccante is aged for more than four months and has a sharper taste. P U/P COWSHard CowsItalian
Ricotta- Ricotta is an Italian fresh cheese made from sheep, cow, goat or buffalo's milk whey left over from the production of cheese. Italian fresh ricotta is smoother than cottage cheese and tastes mildly sweet. The light, delicate consistency and clean flavours make it a perfect accompaniment to a variety of recipes and dishes. U/P P COWS EWES GOATSSoft CowsItalian
Rossini- This blue is wrapped in grape leaves and washed with red wine during the aging process, leading to its distinctive coat of leaves over a deep purple rind. This is a sweet and buttery blue with a distinctive musky, fruity flavour, followed by a peppery blue finish.Blue Hard CowsItalian
Taleggio di Pasturo DOP- Taleggio is a smear-ripened Italian cheese named after the caves of Val Taleggio. It's one of the oldest soft cheeses produced in every autumn and winter. The cheese has a strong smell, but its taste is relatively mild with an unusual fruity tang. P COWSSoft CowsItalian
Torta Duetto- A delicious, creamy cheese with a flavoursome, buttery texture.Blue Hard CowsItalian
Truffled Peccorino- Slithers of fresh truffle are added at the beginning of the cheese process, which offsets the richness of the sheep's milk to produce a truly intense cheese: firm, sharp and spicy with a rich truffle finish. EWESHard EwesItalian
Ubriaco al Proseco- The cheese is immersed for about two months in tuns full of Prosecco wine and then aged for about 6 months. The cheese absorbs the flavour of flowers and fruits, such as the golden apple and pears from Prosecco wine. The fresh and elegantly salted cheese are best served in crumbles or thin shavings. P COWSHard CowsItalian